Outlook For Mac Conditional Formatting

Outlook from mac does not appear to have an option to modify colors, nor modify fonts under rule actions. Compact dialog box, I choose conditional formatting; I then identify a few people I. Conditional formatting is an Outlook tool for making sure your important email messages stick out in your Inbox. The tool lets you customize how different messages appear in your Inbox based on criteria that you set. This post shows you how. Example conditional formatting rules. These are some examples of conditional formatting rules that you can create in Outlook 2010. Follow steps 1 and 2 in the previous section, and then do the following: Make all messages from John Kane appear in red.

Implementing Conditional Formatting, afeature within Outlook, provides the ability to automatically change the fontand color of an email after it has been transferred to CRM. You can quicklyscan the list of emails within your inbox and see which emails have beentransferred. If you attempt to transfer an email from Outlook to CRM a secondtime, the Outlook AddIn will present a dialogue box that provides confirmationthat the email was already transferred to Legrand Cloud CRM.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Conditional formatting in outlook for mac

Step 3:

  • In the following example, you can visually identify that the top emailwas transferred to Cloud CRM and the email below was not.

How to color code appointments in Outlook calendar?

For the sake of outstanding an item in Outlook, the most common way is to highlight it with color categories. So do appointments in Outlook calendar. This article will introduce two ways to color code appointments in Outlook calendar.

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Color code one appointment in Outlook calendar

If you need to highlight only one appointment in Outlook calendar, you can add color code for the appointment as follows:

In the Calendar view, right click the appointment you will color code, select categorize, and then select a color category as you need in the context menu. See screenshot:

If you need to add multiple color categories for the appointment at the same time, please (1) right click the appointment, (2) select Categorize > All Categories from the context menu; (3) in the Color Categories dialog box check multiple color categories as you need, and click the OK button. See screenshot:

Color code multiple appointments with conditional formatting in Outlook

If you want to automatically highlight multiple appointments if meeting specified criteria in an Outlook calendar, you can color code these appointments with conditional formatting as follows:

1. In the Calendar view, select the calendar you will automatically highlight appointments, and click View > View Settings.

2. In the opening Advanced View Settings dialog box, please click the Conditional Formatting button.

3. Now you get into the Conditional Formatting dialog box, please do as following screenshot shown:
(1) Click the Add button;
(2) Type a name for the now color rule in the Name box;
(3) Specify a color from the Color drop down list;
(4) Click the Condition button.

Outlook Mac Calendar Conditional Formatting

4. In the Filter dialog box, please add the specified filter criteria that you will automatically highlight appointments based on.

In my example, I set the filer criteria as subject contains the specified text of test, see screenshot:

Outlook For Mac Conditional Formatting

5. Click OK buttons successively to close all dialog boxes.

And now all appointments meeting the specified filter criteria have been highlighted with your selected color automatically. See screenshot:

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Outlook For Mac Conditional Formatting
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Outlook For Mac Conditional Formatting

Outlook For Mac Conditional Formatting Function

  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Is there a way to use conditional formatting to identify meetings where one or more attendees has not accepted the meeting invite?
    • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
      As you might already know, we can use the conditional formatting option to show us when WE have accepted a meeting, why shouldn't we be able to code it the other way around? People who schedule a lot of meetings, like me, want to see at a glance those meetings that are good to go and those where people have not yet responded. Is it possible to write a script for this? Does anyone know? I need/want this capability.
      • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
        Hi Kat, have you managed to find a solution to this? It would be so helpful.

    • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
      Hi Jake,
      I am afraid you can check the responses to your meeting invitation only by opening the specified meeting and clicking Meeting > Tracking > View Tracking Status.