Ravenfield Steam Key Free

Mass chaos, great gaming fun

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  2. Ravenfield Steam Key Free Online

All the feels of a massive multiplayer online shooter experience, but offline and solo.

Ravenfield the game-Ravenfield download-Ravenfield beta 6-Ravenfield steam-Ravenfield free download-Play ravenfield-Ravenfield mods-Ravenfield greenlight. Ravenfield Free Download Make. Before you start Ravenfield Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements. Ravenfield Crack Codex Torrent free. download full PC Game. Ravenfield Crack is a single-player game in the style of older AI shooters from team to team. You can now drive, fly/walk in your favorite vehicle in Ravenfield. Vehicle sludge is out! Your purchased Steam keys will be available immediately. (Meer) Once you buy Ravenfield Steam PC on HRKGame, you are going to receive a digital activation code (aka CD KEY) of Ravenfield instantly. Lumberjack's Dynasty Steam CD Key. Key activation details. Fight upon the Ravenfield together with your Blue allies! Take down those pesky Reds using helicopters, tanks, guns, and active ragdoll physics! Ravenfield is a singleplayer game in the vein of older team-vs-team AI shooters.

Defend blue to the death

Ravenfield has the perfect blend of simplicity and customization to create a first-person shooter impossible to put down.

Ravenfield is a pick it up and play shooter. You won’t have to read through a novel-sized instruction manual or sit through a ten minute cut scene a la Call of Duty before you can get on with things. However, it also means no special gaming mechanics either.

You won’t spend hours customizing a character with armor, shields, or class. You won’t hunt for rare power ups or treasure, work for hours leveling up a character, or hunt for hidden maps within the world of Ravenfield. What's that leave you? A breezy, addictive first-person shooter without the gruesome violence, gore, and adult storyline featured in well-known, mainstream picks.


Point and shoot using the WASD keys and the mouse. Use “c” to crouch down and hide from the enemy. Driving? Use “q” and “e” to lean in. Reload with “r.” Want to know all the keyboard and mouse functions? Once the game loads, before you click “Play,” choose “Input.” Scroll through the long list. Practice your memorization skills before you hit the battlefield. You’ll use your mouse to look around and fire at the baddies.

Some games turn sluggish as they gobble up all the memory. Not so with Ravenfield. Graphics are often compared to Upturned, another Indie classic. The graphics are a nice bit of nostalgia, and feel familiar without being invasive, but the real perk is this: even slow computers can handle Ravenfield. You can up your bot counts so more bad guys can hit the fields without lagging. Test your system at different levels to figure out the right balance. The bot counts are total counts.

Tailor the game to your gaming level. Opt for easy or challenging mode to get the party started, if parties involved pixelated people and a large-scale deadly game of capture the flag. Craving customization? Sorry, you won’t find much here. You won’t start with a boring pistol, however. You can choose among a RK-44, 76-Eagle, SL-Defender, Signal DNR, Recon LRR, and AK-47, so you aren’t without some options. Click on one of your three ammo bags before you zip into the game. What will you put inside? Scope? Bil scapel target-seeking missle (based of the reallife FGM-148 Javelin), a medipack, binoculars, night vision goggles, or grenades? Grab the wrench -- it comes in handy repairing vehicles to help your base. Fill them up. Save trying out weapons until you meet the red team. Kill a teammate and you help the other team score.

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Hit the fields and defend your team

Armed and dangerous? Enter the game. While this is, in essence, a game of capture the flag, Ravenfield offers more. Gain 200 more points than your enemy, Red team, to win. How do you get points? Shoot the red team. Capture the flag. Repeat. Grabbing the flag adds a multiplier bonus. It is easier said than done. Each flag you gain serves as the amount of scored points when you down the other team. For example, if your team has three flags and kills the red team, you gain three points. Yes, this can run almost to infinity -- or until one team has scrubbed the other team from the face of the Earth (so they can’t respawn).

The red team launches air assault and ground coverage with jeeps and tanks. You can zoom in for a head-exploding sniper shot off the hill or you can stick with a few clean shots to the chest. The fun amps up when the red team arrives on the scene...with vehicles. Vehicles don’t sit there looking pretty waiting for you to find them. In Ravenfield, the bots are capable of driving and shooting.

Take care of business. After shooting them out, press “f” on your keyboard so you can hop in. Mow down your red team enemies. Simple, satisfying game play. Ragdoll physics. In Ravenfield, it’s death without the cringe-worthy gore. Blood appears as paint-like splatters of red or blue (depending on the team color). By the end of a battle, the field looks like a kindergartner took a paintbrush and speckled paint everywhere like a little Jackson Pollock.

How do you know if things are going well? Other than seeing more red splatters on the field than blue, look to the large bar across the top of your screen. The bar indicates what team is in the lead. If the bar is more blue than red, good job. It means your team is ahead. It’s a move used by other games to make it fast to judge your progress and fits right into the look of Ravenfield.

The red team isn’t brainless. They know what to do and where to go to destroy you. Don’t worry -- the AI isn’t too powerful or all-knowing. Perform a sneak attack, if you can. The red team won’t see you coming.

Is there a better alternative?

If you prefer realistic graphics and a strong story, Battlefield would be the perfect pick. Both offer first person shooter style with the ability to drive vehicles and even, get left behind by the AI as you watch your team zip away. Your squad will ditch you. You will get left behind. But Battlefield is meant for a more mature audience and advanced gamer. Ravenfield offers easy accessibility.

For a nicer-looking, though sillier game, try Havocado. It’s a more colorful game in a similar style using the same ragdoll physics in a first-person shooter.

Our take

Ravenfield is a refreshing throwback to Super Nintendo-era style gaming. For busy game players, it’s wonderful to sit back, relax, and get playing without all the usual waiting around for screens and cut scenes to load.

Should I download it?

Yes, download Ravenfield if you have a fondness for simple first-person shooters and can overlook the blocky figures and basic graphics. It’s fast-loading and easy to play, but harder to win.


  • Simple button mashing control
  • Artificial intelligence bots aren’t omniscient
  • Drivable vehicles

Ravenfield Steam Key Free Online


  • No multiplayer mode
  • 16-bit style graphics
  • Lacks custom character building

Ravenfieldfor Windows


This guide tells how to play ravenfield with TrackIR for superior situational awareness.

What you need

– TrackIR and its software
– FreePIE
– Joy2Key
– Joysticks (If you have TrackIR you might have HOTAS joysticks as well, otherwise it’s a waste of money.)

Make a custom aircraft suitable for TrackIR

If you are TrackIR user you might want to use TrackIR for planes or helicopters.
In ravenfield, the aircraft’s camera is fixed at front as default, but the camera moves around when you are holding down right mouse.
But there’s a problem. Due to the developer’s game design oversight, The camera freelook temporally deactivates everytime you switch a weapon. This can be really annoying when using TrackIr, so the default aircrafts in ravenfield are not friendly with TrackIR.
Fortunately there’s a solution. you can make a modified version of aircraft that is suitable for TrackIR.
Download Ravenfieldtoolspack, open the aircraft prefab and change the pilot seat’s camera type from “Locked Allow Freelook Unarmed” to “Freelook Unarmed”.
If you do this the pilot camera’s toggle freelook feature will be removed and you can always look around when switching weapons.
I have uploaded modified versions of my Little Bird helicopters that are suitable for TrackIR, Try it :

Setting up TrackIr mouse emulation

Since ravenfield don’t officially support TrackIR, we will use mouse emulation to control the camera with your head. But there is a problem with stock trackIR mouse emulation, Since ravenfield don’t use directinput the mouse emulation software don’t work for ravenfield.
Instead you can use a software called FreePIE.
When your trackIR is activated with the TrackIr software, Open FreePIE in administrator mode (Very Important !!!!! otherwise it won’t work.) and type following script :
#Use L to toggle on/off
#mouse emulation is disabled while holding O for recentering
#(Good for games like Ravenfield)
def update():
yaw = trackIR.yaw
pitch = trackIR.pitch
deltaYaw = filters.delta(yaw)
deltaPitch = filters.delta(pitch)
if (enabled and keyboard.getKeyUp(Key.O)):
mouse.deltaX = deltaYaw*multiply
mouse.deltaY = -deltaPitch*multiply
if starting:
enabled = False
multiply = 500
trackIR.update += update
toggle = keyboard.getPressed(Key.L)
if toggle:
enabled = not enabled
After that, go to Script menu and run the script.
Now, Run ravenfield and set mouse sensitivity to 0.01. It’s the purpose to make the camera movement as smooth as possible. If you are fine with less smooth movement, you can increase it a bit but you should also decrease multiply in the FreePIE script and TrackIr sensitivity.

Make a recentering TrackIr key for Ravenfield.

Recentering TrackIr is quite important when using TrackIR. But since ravenfield don’t officially support TrackIR, you need some extra work to make a recentering key suitable for ravenfield.
In the FreePIE script, the mouse emulation is deactivated when holding down O key. It is the purpose to prevent the mouse jumping around when recentering TrackIR.
Open joy2key and select a joystick button you want to use as Recentering TrackIR key.
then assign ‘Mouse emulation stop key (O key in script but you can change it if you wish)’, ‘Recenter TrackIR key’, and F1 (moving to pilot seat in ravenfield) in this order.
If you align your head at monitor and press this key, the mouse emulation is disabled, trackir is recentered, and then the camera in ravenfield will head front so you can perfectly recenter TrackIr everytime you enter the aircraft.

See the example result.

This video is me playing ravenfield with the settings of this guide.

By Hijongpark

This is all for Ravenfield How to play in pseudo VR(TrackIR)! hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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